How you can lose weight by Nordic Walking

One of the benefits of Nordic Walking we tout is a 20% average calorie burn– over regular walking. Another is up to a 46% more burn for those that hump.

How can this be?  Have you been Nordic Walking for months yet see no reduction on the scale?

woman on scale

Is your low weight the same as being fit?

Some thoughts.

Are you walking with gusto? Like you are about to miss a bus unless you move swiftly? An example: if you are doing NW for an hour….you will perform the SAME amount of “work” if you crawl or run it. Yes, Work = Force over a distance.   You are covering the same distance and the force is the same to get you there. BUT, and here’s the BIG BUT…Your heart rate will go up if you go faster. This extra movement of blood through the body stimulates the burning of fat.

If you go less than 30 mins, your body thinks you are in FLIGHT mode – run…the lion is about to get you! It stimulates carbs for the fuel. Instant energy.

After that, if you aren’t eaten by now, your body figures you want endurance – so it runs on FAT.

MORE TIPS – Swimming

So the real secret is to scoot along. Don’t lolly-gag. Move it, soldier!!

Remember to think of that bus pulling away.  Do the swagger step, do the “milk-the-cow,” do the hop-skip. Get your heart rate up.  This is fitness training. ..not a time to slow down and smell the roses. Save that for when you walk the dog.

Carpe Diem

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